I am trying to have the below formula populate a portion of a textbox
The right(Parameters!ToTimeDimensionCloseYYYYMM.label,2) is because I am dealing with "YYYYMM" and I only want the "MM" portion.
When I use this formula it will work for December, however for the rest of the months if a user chose 200603, it will read "March" when I really want it to read "February".
However, when I try and write the formula I really want (above), it will work for February through December (giving me the prior month), but if a user chose 200601 (January) as their last Month, it reads "#ERROR", instead of "December"
The error it give me is = [rsRuntimeErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the textbox ‘textbox1’ contains an error: Argument 'Month' is not a valid value.
I have tried several different "versions" of this, including just telling it to put "December", putting "last" in front of the monthname instead of "-1", trying to use "Previous" (which I don't understand but doesn't seem to work either), to try to get it to recognize that I want it to give me the previous month when the user selects the current month, with no success. It seems as if the "-1" at the end causes it to break, because if I take the "-1" out, it works fine except I don't get the previous month for February through December.
Monthname needs an Integer parameter, so try
|||Thanks Ayzan, but it still gives me the same thing:
If the parameter selected = 200602, then it gives me January;
If the parameter selected = 200607, then it gives me June,
But as soon as the parameter selected = 200601, it gives me "#ERROR" instead of December, with the same message that Argument 'Month' is not a valid expression.
It's almost as if it doesn't even recognize the first part of the expression with the -1 in it...b/c if I take out the -1 then it give me December for 200601, but then it gives me "February" for 200602 and "July" for 200607 when I really want "January" and "June".
Thanks again for your help...any additional help would be greatly appreciated.
Create an instance of the DateTime struct and use the .NET functions it has to perform date arithmetic
new DateTime(
CInt( Left( Parameters!ToTimeDimensionCloseYYYYMM.Label, 4 ) ) //Year
, CInt( Right( Parameters!ToTimeDimensionCloseYYYYMM.Label, 2 ) ) //Month
, 1 //Day
).AddMonths( -1 ).Month //Subtract a month and then access the Month Property
If you find it runs slowly then you could use an Iif statement as follows:
CInt( Right( Parameters!ToTimeDimensionCloseYYYYMM.Label, 2 ) ) = 1
, 12
, CInt( Right( Parameters!ToTimeDimensionCloseYYYYMM.Label, 2 ) ) - 1
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