Saturday, February 25, 2012

Problem using MSDE

I have been trying to use the MSDE

MSDE installed
sa (has a password)
tried with both mixed and single mode change in registry and later on install
SQL server icon running in the system tray
several reboots and reinstalls over days

I can create a web page that connects to a DB and says connected and disconnected
but I cannot get any data displayed?

I have tried the portal starter Kit and it cannot find the sql server on the install
If I try to do it remotely it wants me to run stuff in a query analyser and some .sql files
but MSDE does not have an interface as such

I am very confused and I just want the system to connect to the db or for the portal to work

Please help

Thank you all in advanceCan you connect to your MSDE through the Server Explorer in Studio?

If so, then you can create a Database Project which will give you a platform from which to interact with your MSDE instance.

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