436;Implementing A Gang - Awareness Program/And A Middle SchoolGang Prevention Curriculum. Doctoral Th;Samuels;Donald J;MiamiIV;Administrators; At Risk; Child And Youth Studies; Community;Community Members; Drop Out Prevention; Educational Leadership;Law/Criminal Justice; Peer Counseling; Principals; Secondary Education
I wrote a store procedure that does it, but it seems that the columnspace is not enough for the above string. The string in fact, istruncated and only the following portion is stored in my table:
436;Implementing A Gang - Awareness Program/And A Middle School Gang Prevention Curriculum. Doctoral Th;Samuels;Donald J;MiamiIV;Administrators; At Risk; Child And Youth Studies; Community;Community Members; Drop Out Prevention; Educational Leadership
What can I do?
ChristianIf you are not storing more than 4000 characters you can use NVarChar 4000 is the limit. The reason there are issues with NText and limitations. Hope this helps.|||I have just changed the column type from text to varchar(4000).
But I still have the same problem.
Try the link below for working code sample. Hope this helps.
I wrote a store procedure that does it, but it seems that the columnspace is not enough for the above string. The string in fact, istruncated and only the following portion is stored in my table:
How are you checking what is stsored in your table? I highly suspect you are using Query Analyzer, which by default will only display the first 256 characters in a column. To change this value in QA, Tools - Options - Results - Maximum characters per column. Change 256 to something larger.|||Oh God,
you are so right!!!!!
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