Saturday, February 25, 2012

Problem Using Stored Proc

Hi Folks.. I'm really new to SQL server

I'm writing a stored procedure as:

ALTER PROCEDURE usp_CDE_IssueProcedure1 AS

DELETE FROM tbl_CDE_IssueTable1
INSERT INTO tbl_CDE_IssueTable1 SELECT MONTH(CreatedDate), CorporateStatus, COUNT(IssueID) FROM tbl_IB_Issue WHERE CreatedDate BETWEEN '2004-01-01' AND '2004-12-31' GROUP BY month(CreatedDate), CorporateStatus

Now when I run this stored procedure, the table just does not get affected.
But on the other hand when I run the query alone that is:
INSERT INTO tbl_CDE_IssueTable1 SELECT MONTH(CreatedDate), CorporateStatus, COUNT(IssueID) FROM tbl_IB_Issue WHERE CreatedDate BETWEEN '2004-01-01' AND '2004-12-31' GROUP BY month(CreatedDate), CorporateStatus

The above query runs absolutely fine.. So can anyone pls tell me whats wrong... I have to get this query in the stored procedure..PLsssssssssssss HELP

Shruti Majithia,
Quinnox Consultancy Services.Hi Shruti,

'ALTER PROC' is used to modify the existing stored procedure without changing the permissions and without affecting the dependent PROCs in the database. So the procedure should be already there in the database. You can use the following check:

if exists (select name from sysobjects where type = 'P' and name = 'usp_CDE_IssueProcedure1')
ALTER PROCEDURE usp_CDE_IssueProcedure1 AS
DELETE FROM tbl_CDE_IssueTable1
INSERT INTO tbl_CDE_IssueTable1 SELECT MONTH(CreatedDate), CorporateStatus, COUNT(IssueID) FROM tbl_IB_Issue WHERE CreatedDate BETWEEN '2004-01-01' AND '2004-12-31' GROUP BY month(CreatedDate), CorporateStatus
DELETE FROM tbl_CDE_IssueTable1
INSERT INTO tbl_CDE_IssueTable1 SELECT MONTH(CreatedDate), CorporateStatus, COUNT(IssueID) FROM tbl_IB_Issue WHERE CreatedDate BETWEEN '2004-01-01' AND '2004-12-31' GROUP BY month(CreatedDate), CorporateStatus
go|||I have the exactly same problem i think..
i have made an sp to update a table.
and everything works with no errors.
exept from that nothing happens.
i the SQL Profiler it says:

exec Content_update @.ContentID = 1, @.Content = N'some text'

but nothing happens

thx in advance

Originally posted by shrutimajithia
Hi Folks.. I'm really new to SQL server

I'm writing a stored procedure as:

ALTER PROCEDURE usp_CDE_IssueProcedure1 AS

DELETE FROM tbl_CDE_IssueTable1
INSERT INTO tbl_CDE_IssueTable1 SELECT MONTH(CreatedDate), CorporateStatus, COUNT(IssueID) FROM tbl_IB_Issue WHERE CreatedDate BETWEEN '2004-01-01' AND '2004-12-31' GROUP BY month(CreatedDate), CorporateStatus

Now when I run this stored procedure, the table just does not get affected.
But on the other hand when I run the query alone that is:
INSERT INTO tbl_CDE_IssueTable1 SELECT MONTH(CreatedDate), CorporateStatus, COUNT(IssueID) FROM tbl_IB_Issue WHERE CreatedDate BETWEEN '2004-01-01' AND '2004-12-31' GROUP BY month(CreatedDate), CorporateStatus

The above query runs absolutely fine.. So can anyone pls tell me whats wrong... I have to get this query in the stored procedure..PLsssssssssssss HELP

Shruti Majithia,
Quinnox Consultancy Services.

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