Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Problem with Automatic Scrip Generator

Dear All.
As we all know withing SQL Server there is a facility to
automatically create the script to create databases, this
is something that we have been using successfully for the
past 3 years.
Lately however we have experienced a problem. On some
views it gets the name wrong, so instead of
vwPostCodeDetails, the automatic generater puts
Can anyone out there offer some guidence on what we need
to do ?
PeterI think this is the problem if you rename the view / or stored procedure using EM or sp_rename.
When you do this underlying text in syscomments does not changes. What you have to do is "generate
the script only for these views" (which will consists of old name) update the script with the new
name that needs to be. drop these problematic view and recreate them with the new name and then
generate the new script.
- Vishal
"Peter" <> wrote in message
> Dear All.
> As we all know withing SQL Server there is a facility to
> automatically create the script to create databases, this
> is something that we have been using successfully for the
> past 3 years.
> Lately however we have experienced a problem. On some
> views it gets the name wrong, so instead of
> vwPostCodeDetails, the automatic generater puts
> vwPostCode.
> Can anyone out there offer some guidence on what we need
> to do ?
> Thanks
> Peter

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