I'm designing an olap db with BIDS (business intelligence developer studio) but I cannot add any calculated members.
When I open the tab for adding calculated measures an error appear (Italian version): Errore imprevisto: 'Errore dell'applicazione'.
Looking in the event viewer I found some errors.
Source: MSOLAP$LocalCube
The description is not very meaningfull: Internal Error
Has anyone experienced this proble before ?
Any idea how to solve it ?
I tried to edit directly the source xml but don't know the sintax.
Have you by any chance installed Office 2007, but are still running SP1? If so this is a known issue, you can either apply SP2 or use the work around on my blog http://geekswithblogs.net/darrengosbell/archive/2006/11/17/97367.aspx
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