Wednesday, March 28, 2012

problem with bigints in SS 2000

Anybody know what this error means:
"Server: Msg 3624, Level 20, State 1, Line 1
Location: p:\sql\ntdbms\storeng\drs\include\record
Expression: m_SizeRec > 0 && m_SizeRec <= MAXDATAROW
SPID: 111
Process ID: 2028
Connection Broken"
I have a RESTORED database with about 10 large tables. A simple select
would return a couple of thousand of rows and then suddenly bomb out with
the above error. Interestingly the problem occurs only on the tables that
contain bigint columns, so I'm not sure if it's related. If I run "dbcc
checktable" on these table it returns lots of errors. I'm pretty sure the
database is not corrupt - it happens on any number of machines, plus the
database works fine at its original location. When I try to repair the
restored tables using "checktable" I can only do so with
"repair_allow_data_loss", not a good option of course. Also I have to
remove any indexes I have on the bigint columns. Any ideas?
ThanksHave you tried using checktable with Repair_Rebuild. If that does not work
then I would try deleting the indexes and rechecking then.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have tried that, but it doesn't work - it only
works with "repair_allow_data_loss". Most of the errors are "consistency"
errors. It seems to me the problem lies with the bigint fields, but I'm not
sure why. I'm pretty sure the problem is not related to the indexes,
because only two of the problem tables have indexes. If I drop the indexes,
some of the errors (like "missing parents") go away, but the "consistency"
ones remain.
"Jeff Duncan" <> wrote in message
> Have you tried using checktable with Repair_Rebuild. If that does not
work then I would try deleting the indexes and rechecking then.
> Jeff

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