Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Problem viewing the history of the job I ran manually

Hey guys. I've a job thta I ran manually and when i tried to look for the history, it doesn't show anything. How would I see why it failed. I also tried to look at the sysjobhistory table and nothing there. The thing is, if the agent runs the job, it shows it there but if I run it manually, it doesn't. I know that's not the case in SQL 2000.

Please advice, how to check that. Thank you.


As explicitly stated in book online,

"Contains information about the execution of scheduled jobs by SQL Server Agent.

This table is stored in the msdb database."

So, all sql job execution is logged into sysjobhistory. How did you invoke the job manually? Do make sure you haven't cleared the history info.

If need to, run sql profiler and see if the job is started and if history is written to sysjobhistory table.|||

Hey oj,

What I meant by manual execution is that I right clicked the job and ran it manually. When I do that and go to the Job activity Monitor, it would go to Step 0, which I think is the preparation phase and before even going to step one it finishes. And it doesn't get logged. I've captured the SP:Completed,SP:Starting,StmtCompleted,SP:StmtStarting,SQL:BatchCompleted,SQL:BatchStarting.

I see a call so sp_help_jobstep sp and then it calls the sp_sqlagent_log_jobhistory to log the failure.

I dont see it actually trying to run the jobstep.It's still failing. I had to restart the agent. When I did that, it started logging stuff but the problem is that, this job calls a SSIS package to be executed. It fails saying 'The package execution failed'. When I run the package with my account, it runs fine. When I right click the job and run the package, it runs as SQL Server service account which is also a local admin on the box. And it fails. What would the next step be in order to figure out where the problem is?

Thank you




I faced this type of issue with job history view. when we tried to view the job history, it runs some scripts in back ground(we can capture thru profile), there microsoft has defined servername variable as 30, but my server name has more than 30 charecters length. I fixed this issue by reducing the server name to 30 charecters.

my solution may help u if ur server name has more length than 30.



|||Hi Tej,

Sorry for the late reply.

Look like you're having permission/security problem. Please check out the following for some guidance.

Sqlagent security:

Creating sqlagent proxies:

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