Friday, March 23, 2012

Problem with ADO and MSSQL

We have just changed all of our DB functionality from the BDE with the standard component query to ADO with the ADOquery. The follow doesnt work anymore now :

qRooms->SQL->Add("Select * from Billeting where (SDATE >=:startdate and");
qRooms->SQL->Add("SDATE <=:enddate) or (EDATE >=:startdate and");
qRooms->SQL->Add("EDATE <=:enddate) or (SDATE <:startdate and");
qRooms->SQL->Add(" :startdate < EDATE) order by BLDG");
qRooms->Parameters->ParamByName("startdate")->Value = StrToDate(VOQDate);
qRooms->Parameters->ParamByName("enddate")->Value = (StrToDate(VOQDate) + 14);

Why doesnt this work? What am I doing wrong?What programming environment are you using ?|||Borland C++ Builder 6|||I am not familiar with bc++ 6 builder - but does it matter that no spaces exist between the 1st and 3rd add methods (I put # where a space was lacking) ?

qRooms->SQL->Add("Select * from Billeting where (SDATE >=:startdate and #");
qRooms->SQL->Add("# SDATE <=:enddate) or (EDATE >=:startdate and #");
qRooms->SQL->Add("# EDATE <=:enddate) or (SDATE <:startdate and");|||What error are you getting?

Is it a runtime error, compile error - do you get an error at all..

More details please.

Stefan|||No errors, I just don't get all the data back. I run that in SQL analyzer and I get all the correct data back, but in Builder I only get some of the data back.sql

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