Monday, March 26, 2012

Problem with ampersand "&"

I’m using XQUERY to slog through an XML doc, and dump the value of a CDATA
element into an NVARCHAR(MAX) field. The problem I’m running into is that
when an ampersand goes into that field, what I get back out in a query (usin
FOR XML) is “&”.
CONVERT( nvarchar(MAX), T.c.query('data(Value)') )
The above stores a “&” in the field, even though the input was:
Any insight is much appreciated.Looks like my above post got mangled.
The value it stores is: "&"
And the value I get back is: "&"|||"Rob Epler" <> wrote in message
> Looks like my above post got mangled.
> The value it stores is: "&"
> And the value I get back is: "&"
This double escaping often happens when the source is already escaped but
marked as plain text, e.g. in a CDATA section. Can you show an example of
the source?
Joe Fawcett - XML MVP|||Hello Joe,
The XMLRW parser seems to be discarding the CDATA markup around the value
when storing nodes like this. What Rob is storing is something like '<Value>
In SQL Server 2005, at serialization time, all element text-nodes are entiti
This seems to superceed what the spec seems to indicate should be done with
CDATA at parse time.
Kent Tegels

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