Monday, March 26, 2012

problem with analysis server connection string

i have just installed a new version of analysis services 2000 on a test machine. when i try to connect to the local host i get the error "Datasource name is too long". I have set the datasource string to

Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\\serverName\MsOLAPRepository$\msmdrep.mdb

This is the same string as i have on other analysis servers, bar the server name, but it still does not work. any ideas?

The olap service is running correctly, just in case its a detail you need to know.

I assume you use Analysis Manager or DSO program to connect, and you change the "Repository Connection String" property from Analysis Manager. Can you check whether you can open msmdrep.mdb repository file from Access ? Or try to migrate repository to SQL Server - will you get the same error ?

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